Step 1: Accessing the Account Deletion Option
Step 2: Initiating Account Deletion
Step 3: Confirming Account Deletion
Step 1: Accessing the Account Deletion Option
- After logging in, you will be redirected to our dashboard.
- In the upper left corner, locate the menu button (as shown in the picture).
- Click on the menu button to open the drawer.
Step 2: Initiating Account Deletion
- Inside the drawer, scroll down until you find the option labeled “Remove My Account” (highlighted in the picture).
- Click on “Remove My Account” to proceed.
Step 3: Confirming Account Deletion
- A confirmation dialog will appear to ensure that this action is irreversible.
- Press the “Okay” button in the dialog to confirm and initiate the account deletion process.
Accessing the Account Deletion Option
- After logging in, you will be redirected to our dashboard.
- In the upper left corner, locate the menu button (as shown in the picture).
- Click on the menu button to open the drawer.
Initiating Account Deletion
- Inside the drawer, scroll down until you find the option labeled “Remove My Account” (highlighted in the picture).
- Click on “Remove My Account” to proceed.
Confirming Account Deletion
- A confirmation dialog will appear to ensure that this action is irreversible.
- Press the “Okay” button in the dialog to confirm and initiate the account deletion process.